Born Fitness Wellness - The Rules of Fitness REBORN Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:39:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Born Fitness Wellness - 32 32 Sentenced To Life Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:39:49 +0000 I looked at my dad. Then down at my phone. 10:32 pm. July 21. 2023. My dad was gone. On Friday night, I watched my father — my Superman — take his final breath. It was a moment of peace for a man at war for three years. My dad was diagnosed with terminal brain […]

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I looked at my dad. Then down at my phone. 10:32 pm. July 21. 2023.

My dad was gone.

On Friday night, I watched my father — my Superman — take his final breath. It was a moment of peace for a man at war for three years.

My dad was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (glioblastoma) in 2020. Some doctors told him he had six months to live, at best. They gave him all the grim stats, told him how his body would shut down, and plotted a future hell on earth.

At 65 years old, my dad was given a death sentence. But a funny thing happened.

My dad heard all the negativity, and he chose not to listen. Instead of waiting for death, my dad leaned into optimism and got busy living.

He had brain surgery and did chemo and radiation. After treatments, he would lift weights or walk for miles. He adjusted his diet, and my mom became his personal chef, making everything from scratch. My dad was a man on a mission. And the prize he chased wasn’t just time. It was quality of life and making the most of every day.

Instead of preparing for the end, he traveled the world, climbed mountains and skied down them, swam in oceans, and even did acro-yoga (if you knew my dad, you’d know THAT man doesn’t do acro-yoga). None of these options were ever discussed in the cancer pamphlets.

For three years, death tapped my dad on the shoulder. But my dad gave the grim reaper the middle finger, trained harder, walked farther, and ate healthier.

He did the impossible by believing it was possible.

When cancer took away his ability to use his left arm, he trained his right arm to do more. Watching a 68-year-old man teach his non-dominant arm to use chopsticks is an art of pure determination.

When cancer took away vision in one eye and limited his field of vision in his other eye, he re-taught himself how to read.

And when cancer left him unable to walk or bathe himself, even though he hated his limitations, he asked for help because that was the bravest and strongest thing he could do.

I watched my dad suffer, and I never heard him complain. Not once.

When my grandfather — his father — died a few months ago at 95, I thought it might break him. And when his four brothers had to watch him struggle to walk and talk and told him it was unfair, my dad remained steadfast:

He insisted the cancer was not unfair. Saying so would mean that his entire life was unfair, and he loved his life. He just hated the disease and thought it was terrible. And his job wasn’t to curse his life but to make the most of it.

And for him, that meant a simple choice: either feel bad for yourself or do something to make your life the best you possibly can.

My dad got lucky. Sometimes people do everything right, and the disease still takes life far too fast. But with the time he had and the time he created, my dad didn’t think cancer would take him.

Even when he only had a week left, he would lie in his hospital bed and ask me how we would get him to football games in the fall. We both had season tickets to our beloved Colorado Buffaloes. They have been terrible for the past 15 years, but we still showed up to every game and stayed till the end. My dad was excited about the fall. Deion Sanders was bringing Prime Time to Boulder. He wanted to be there on September 9th to see the first victory on the path to the greatest turnaround in college football history.

Some people thought he was crazy for talking about attending football games while in hospice. To me, it was just part of his vision.

Arnold always talks about vision, and my dad also believed in it. And his vision didn’t include death. He envisioned himself in that stadium. And while he won’t make it, that vision helped him go farther than any doctor said he would.

None of you knew my dad. But he loved life so much that he was unwilling to see his sickness as anything other than another obstacle he would overcome.

In my last conversation, my dad told me something I’ll never forget.

He talked about finishing what I started — as a husband, as a father, as a friend, and in my work. We started Arnold’s Pump Club when his health started to rapidly decline. We didn’t discuss much about my work, but he told me he read every email and that I was doing something important.

In facing death, my dad believed the world needed more positivity. If there was anything he learned, it’s that optimism is the way.

He then asked me how many people we reach each day. I told him 500,000.

He then asked how many I wanted to reach. I told him 5 million.

And then he dropped the mic.

He said, “Adam, why put a limit on what you can do? Where would I be if I did that when I was diagnosed?”

Man. My dad didn’t always have many words, but the ones he had were damn good.

In the end, my dad made his vision a reality. He stayed optimistic, bet on himself, and appreciated each day as if his life depended on it.

After I watched my dad take his last breath, I told him I was proud of him. I kissed him on the forehead, and I said, one last time, it was good to see him.

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Should you train when you’re sick? Fri, 28 Jan 2022 18:55:35 +0000 In general, if going to the gym can get others sick, you should always stay away. But if you’re working out from home, the rules are a little different. 

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Have Good Gym Etiquette

In general, our approach towards sickness has always been simple: if going to the gym can get others sick, then stay away. That counts for coughs, sniffles, sore throats, fevers, and anything that isn’t general fatigue. Remember, one day is just one day.

That doesn’t mean you can’t workout at home when you’re sick (more on that below), but try to think of others when you’ve got symptoms.  

What About Home Workouts?

Thanks to COVID, most of us have had to train at home at some point in the last few years. The risk of infecting others is low (unlike your toddler’s daycare) and that means the temptation to workout when you’re sick is higher.

working out at home

Here’s the problem: Your normal workout routine – the one where you’re breathing hard and pushing your body – triggers a stress response in the body. When you’re healthy, your body responds and adapts to this stress to get stronger. 

But when you’re sick, your immune system is already stressed. Adding more stress with a hard workout (or long, challenging run) might overload the system. That means you could get sicker. 

My rule of thumb? If you feel that your sickness will lead to a less intense workout, then avoid your normal workout routine. At Born Fitness, our training philosophy emphasizes intensity. I’d rather have you be healthy and push the limits during a short period of time, than feel like shit your entire workout. 

This doesn’t mean you have to become one with the couch when you’re sick. As long as you’re doing the right type of movement you can continue regular exercise while recovering. 

How To Workout When You’re Sick

First off, be sure to listen to your doctor’s advice when you’re sick. If they recommend avoiding any exercise, they’re likely doing that for a reason. However, if you’re cleared for exercise, low-intensity movement can help you feel better faster and recover sooner. 

What counts as low-intensity exercise? Think of things like walking or an easy pace on your favorite cardio machine if you have one at home. Or, you might do a mobility circuit. My go-to is long walks outside. 

walking outside

The key is to keep your heart rate lower during the session. You shouldn’t be gasping for breath at any point or even struggling. And remember, low-intensity can look different for each person. Listen to your body and choose an exercise that you can keep an easy pace with. 

Think of these workouts like a day at the spa. You should leave feeling restored and energized, not beat down. 

The Bottom Line

We believe in training with intensity when you workout, but that doesn’t mean you need to PR every workout when you’re healthy. Many of your workouts are going to be “hard hat” days. You just put on your hard hat, even if you’re sore, tired, or not in the mood, and you make it happen. Those days are victories. 

On the other hand, days when you force yourself to train when you’re sick because of an irrational fear of needing to train, are a loss. Learn to pick and choose your battles and hold yourself to a high standard. And, more often than not, it’ll lead to good health.

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Goldilocks Training: How to Maintain Momentum Sat, 22 Jan 2022 01:56:12 +0000 You might think your inability to stick with a plan comes down to a lack of motivation, or maybe even a fundamental lack of willpower. But, willpower isn’t what is holding you back. After years of coaching people as a personal trainer, I've discovered that most people struggle to maintain their momentum because they ignore one simple rule. 

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You might think your inability to stick with a plan comes down to a lack of motivation, or maybe even a fundamental lack of willpower. 

But, willpower isn’t what is holding you back. After years of coaching people as a personal trainer, I’ve discovered that most people struggle to maintain their momentum because they ignore one simple rule.

It’s called The Goldilocks Rule.

goldilocks drinking soup

It’s a riff off the old tale of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. And, while it might seem ridiculous, finding what’s just right for you is the secret to better health.

The Goldilocks Rule states that we experience peak motivation when working on tasks that provide the right level of resistance, challenge, and complication.

In other words: if you take on new tasks that are too easy or too hard, that’s when motivation, focus, and consistency fall apart.

Let’s say you haven’t exercised in years and want to get back into the gym this year. You’re motivated and excited. Nothing can stop you. So, you decide to try a 5-day, bodybuilder-style workout program designed for 12 weeks. On paper, it looks amazing. The weekly volume and total volume is enough to transform anyone. It has all the best exercises and it’s backed by all the latest exercise science research.

Here’s the issue: If you’re going from zero workouts to 5 days per week, the likelihood of success is low. It’s too big of a jump on every level. From the discipline to go 5 days a week, to the total amount of work (and stress) you’ll put on your body, it’s not practical or realistic.

Remember, with Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the focus was on finding a good fit. Picking the right program is the same. When you take on too much too soon, it’s easy to predict when you’ll miss a day or two. The missed days could frustrate you to quit the plan prematurely. Or, the dramatic jump from no workouts to lots of weekly volume increases the likelihood of injury, which can lessen your confidence.

And, that’s before we consider the squeeze this puts on your calendar. Let’s assume each workout is 60 minutes long. The move from 0 minutes of exercise to 300 minutes of exercise per week is ambitious and monumental.

bar graph 0 to 300 minutes

You’re told you need to train a certain way to see changes. In reality, small jumps will still deliver changes, and — as you improve — you increase what you do. It’s cliche to tell people to enjoy the journey, but there’s a very real lesson in that wisdom. If you expect too much too soon, then you’ll rarely see the results you want.

How to Pick A Better Path

When motivation is high, you want to believe you can do anything (and you can). However, achieving your goals means creating a path that makes it more likely for you to succeed, not just diving head-first into a plan without considering your starting point.

When you don’t consider the path, the results usually don’t follow.

Here’s what typically happens: You might hit all of your sessions during the first week (or two) while motivation is high (assuming the soreness doesn’t crush you), but once reality catches up with you, that’s when consistency and willpower begin to fade and you lose momentum and drive.

You know what’s too common with “great” fitness programs? Overuse injury.

You know what’s frustrating with many workouts? Unrealistic timelines and expectations. 

You know what’s not needed to see results? Living in the gym or slaving over every meal. 

Time and time again, the best results come from small changes that you can repeat over-and-over again with as little stress as possible. 

If you’re trying to get back into the game  — and win — consistency is your competitive advantage. Even if your start might seem slow, it’s not.

To chart a better path, create a baseline of where you’re starting and where you want to finish. The baseline can include things like your fitness level, how many times you workout per week, and which meals are easy (and hard).

You don’t need a personal trainer to tell you what will work within your schedule. You know what’s doable to start. You need to create some friction and change, but it can’t be disruptive. In fact, the best personal trainers know that helping you change is less about exercise science and more about creating a plan that works for your life.

Here’s a pro tip that’s worth remembering any time you’re struggling: It’s important to differentiate and figure out what’s “just enough” rather than what’s ideal. “Just enough” meets you where you’re at and is doable. And when something is doable, you do it repeatedly, confidence grows, habits form, behaviors change, and you get better.

To make sure this year is different, let your action develop into results. Find a plan that sounds challenging but also that you’re 95% confident you can do without a doubt for the next 4 to 6 months.

Illustration: The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness

The Almanac of Naval Ravinkat

Better to achieve mastery and progress than to struggle, fail, and have to pick yourself up from ground zero. And if you’re crushing the plan, you can always increase the difficulty later.

This approach will help you accomplish small wins early and often, so you can keep pushing forward with confidence for the upcoming year.

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The Magic Pill Is The Way Wed, 29 Sep 2021 21:00:58 +0000 For years, I’ve been saying there is no magic pill. But, maybe I was wrong... here's why.

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For years, I’ve been saying there is no magic pill.

But, maybe I was wrong.

The magic pill is recognizing the magic pills. And avoiding them.

When you see or hear any “expert” claiming to have identified a single problem that will solve all of your issues, that’s when you know the approach is wrong.

With so many people blaming everything from fat to carbs, hormones to toxins, inflammation and dairy, animal foods, and sugar — it becomes an easy threshold to separate the shortsighted from the beneficial. If you listened to them all, you wouldn’t be able to eat anything.

Weight loss, muscle gain, and general health are complicated. There are rules and habits that will get you there. But, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all.

Learn to see the magic pills (and avoid them) and you’ll have less stress and, hopefully, better health.

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Do You Need To Drop $200+ On A Massage Gun? Tue, 07 Sep 2021 20:49:38 +0000 Are the new wave of percussion massage therapy devices worth the hype? We take a look at two of the most popular devices by Theragun and Hyperice to break it down for you.

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If recovery is a big part of the recipe for better fitness and overall wellness, then deep tissue massage has been an age-old secret ingredient for helping muscle pain and sore muscles. 

The emergence of foam rollers showed that there was more than one way to improve your soft tissue and bring pain relief. 

But, is it possible that there’s an even better way?

The Theragun by Therabody — and it’s competitor, the HyperIce Hypervolt —  is part of a new fitness product trend that allows you to deliver “percussion massage therapy” in the palm of your hand.  

In other words, it’s a handheld device that’s designed to give you elements of a physical therapist who does massage or trigger point therapy — but without the actual therapist. 

At Born Fitness, we’ve received endless questions from our clients (like the one below) about whether this new wave of recovery tool is worth the investment. 

Theragun vs. HyperIce: What You Need To Know

The battle for handheld massage gun supremacy likely has more to do with minor details right now. 

In terms of what each device will do for your body, the methods are very similar. 

theragun pro and hypervolt massage guns

Both Theragun and HyperIce are ergonomic devices. They are both technically a “percussion massager” because they are shaped like a jigsaw and deliver fast (yet soft) bursts of pressure to your muscles. That pressure is delivered at some serious speed. 

The Theragun completes about 40 revolutions (touching your skin and then lifting off) every second, while the HyperVolt promises up to 3200 revolutions per minute (~53 revolutions every second). 

Theragun claims that these percussive massage blows help reduce muscle tension and promote blood flow. 

Both devices can be used for a warm-up or to target muscle groups that might be causing some pain or are slow to recovery. 

If you’re into anecdotal evidence and popular opinion, most people swear by them. Professional athletes in almost every sport use the devices. Even Cristiano Ronaldo has been spotted using one while lounging on leopard print pillows. 

But, are there any studies supporting the effectiveness of these devices? 

Massage Gun Research: Are They Effective?

Research on the exact devices is very limited right now, mostly because both Theragun and HyperIce are relatively new devices. 

But, the idea of a massager gun is rooted in research done on vibration massage. 

The earliest research predates the handy devices. Back in 2014, researchers compared vibration massage, regular massage, and no massage. If you received any type of massage — vibration or regular — it led to improvements in muscle soreness, muscle damage, and improved range of motion. And, the benefits appeared to last between 24 to 72 hours. 

And, in 2017, a research team found that vibration therapy could help reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and improve range of motion. For those not familiar, DOMS is the soreness that tends to kick into high gear about 1-2 days after your workout.

While vibration training gave a benefit, it wasn’t unique to the vibration. Traditional massage provides the same muscle-soreness-reducing benefits, so that likely isn’t a unique benefit. 

More recently, vibration was compared to foam rolling. After all, a $20 foam roller is just a bit cheaper.

foam rolling

The 2019 study found similar benefits for foam rolling and vibration foam rolling, which means both are good recovery options. If you want extra benefits, the participants who used vibration also experienced a reduction in pain perception and better range of motion compared to foam rolling. 

The most recent work was this study, which was one of the first to focus on the benefits of a massage gun. 

The researchers found that using a percussion massager (AKA the massage gun) for 5-minutes improved ankle range of motion yet had little effect on strength. This means you could potentially use the tool before your workout to help improve your movement on exercises, such as being able to go deeper on a squat thanks to improved calf mobility. 

What’s the Difference Between a Massage Gun and Foam Rolling?

Whether you’re using your gym’s old foam roller or a top-of-the-line percussion device, you’re not actually “changing” tissue in your body. 

That’s because you can’t make a muscle longer. Not even deep tissue massage does that. 

But, it is possible to increase blood flow (not backed by research just yet as it’s hard to measure) and, more importantly, reduce muscle tone. This is where you improve your range of motion. 

The foam roller gets the job done in many ways, just like massage. That said, handheld devices offer versatility and might have some real advantages that make it more practical for you to aid your recovery.

A foam roller is a blunt-force object. It’s great for hitting wide, accessible areas like the front of your legs but the wrong tool for targeted treatment. 

With percussion devices like the Theragun or HyperVolt, you can seek and destroy smaller areas like your shoulders. 

Each of them also offer various head attachments that are designed to treat different sections of your body. For example, Theragun offers a massage head called the Supersoft Attachment, which is designed for extremely sore muscles and sensitive areas. 

Plus, have you ever tried to carry on a foam roller? Both Therabody and Hypervice have created smaller devices designed to take anywhere. 

For Therabody, it’s the Theragun Mini and for Hyperice, the Hypervolt Go. The smaller percussion massage devices offer more versatility with the ability to fit in your backpack, so you can take them anywhere. 

theragun mini and hypervolt go massage guns

The Theragun also has a pretty cool app that will guide you through different massage classes. The device alerts you when it’s time to switch to a different body part during the course. 

And although they are expensive (starting at ~$200), if you’re someone who gets regular massages at $100 a pop, your Theragun or Hypervolt is going to pay for itself in one month. 

We typically advise our clients to make the purchase based on a combination of benefits and budget. 

If you can afford it, then the device certainly has some benefits and it can help with muscle recovery and soreness. 

Not into shelling out the cash or looking for an alternative that fits into your price point? Current research suggests that any type of massage might have similar results, which means you can achieve similar results with foam rollers, lacrosse balls, and possibly sweet-talking your significant other. 

And remember, massage guns and other forms of recovery gear will never replace your recovery foundation. No amount of massage treatment will offset poor sleep and nutrition, so make sure you continue to prioritize those goals. 

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Look Up or Look Down Wed, 11 Aug 2021 17:05:24 +0000 Even though we don’t have much control over many things in life, focusing on what we do control — like looking up — can completely change the direction of your life. 

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Looking up is what happens when you choose to believe you have control over some aspects of your life. 

Looking down is what happens when you believe you’re a victim of life and circumstance. 

Looking up is a way to survive and thrive through difficult times; it requires courage, optimism, belief, and accountability. 

Looking down is a way to “create” worse situations and turn the illusion of bad luck into a reality. It feeds on negativity, excuses, doubt, and disbelief.

The way you look will influence where you go. 

Even though we don’t have much control over many things in life, focusing on what we do control — like looking up — can completely change the direction of your life. 

When you look up, the good becomes better, the bad becomes good, and the desperate becomes hopeful. 

You can’t put a value or measure the impact of perspective and mindset; but in the game of life, it is your most invaluable asset.



The Illusion Of Commitment

The Big 4

Move Boulders, Not Pebbles

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13 Caffeine-Free Ways to Boost Energy Tue, 13 Jul 2021 20:17:42 +0000 13 ways to get more energy so you can power through your workouts, feel more productive, and make the most of each day. No caffeine required.   

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Whether you’re trying to build muscle, burn fat, or just make it through the workday without pouring your second sixth cup of joe, energy is a big deal. 

We all have energy, but it can feel like the number of options you have to increase energy (drink more coffee, energy drinks like 5-hour energy, drink more coffee) is supremely outnumbered by the number of things that drain your energy. Not to mention, when you start loading up your caffeine intake, the downsides and side effects like jitters, headaches, and dependency, start to outweigh the benefits. In fact, in a paradoxical way, less caffeine makes the caffeine you drink more impactful.

That means finding healthy alternatives to boost energy doesn’t have to become a test of how many mg of caffeine you can tolerate before your body breaks down. In fact, if you’re focused on your wellness, rethinking the healthy alternatives to boost your energy can be life changing. 

And, the best part is that the healthy alternatives that give you the most energy have nothing to do with caffeine alternatives like ginseng, B vitamins, or antioxidants.

When you think of energy, it’s best to understand why you get drained. From work and a lack of sleep, to stress, decision making, and even your workouts, there’s no shortage of lifestyle variables that drain your battery. 

So, to help you power up when you need it most — or, ideally, before you hit empty — you need to find other lifestyle factors to naturally recharge. We found the best experts who know the tips that have endless health benefits, pulled studies, and found 13 ways to get more energy so you can power through your workouts, feel more productive, and make the most of each day. No caffeine required.   

Let in Light

Here’s a new reason work toward an office with a view: Research from Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in the Netherlands shows that exposure to bright light during the day immediately boosts people’s energy levels. 

light filled work space

Light is critical to regulating your circadian rhythms and letting your body know that, yes, it’s time to be awake. Lamps work, too, FYI. 

Check Your Vitamin D

Everyone loves talking about the importance of antioxidants for energy, but there’s another Vitamin that is your natural power plant. There’s been a lot said about Vitamin D (a lot of it, unfortunately, not so accurate), but low levels of Vitamin D can be a reason why you’re feeling sluggish. 

More vitamin D means more energy, says Toronto-based dietitian Abby Langer, R.D. It’s a domino effect that works in shocking ways. Without a healthy supply of the essential nutrient — up to 41.6 percent of Americans are deficient, according to Nutrition Research — your levels of drowse-inducing melatonin rise, and your mitochondria (your body’s microscopic power plants) don’t produce enough energy to keep you humming along at top speed. The end result? You feel tired. 

couple walking through park

The solution: ideally, you get your Vitamin D the natural way by finding your way outside into the sunshine for, at least, 15 minutes per day. Those 15 minutes are enough to give you an energy boost. If not, you can supplement with Vitamin D3, approximately 2,000 – 3,000 IU per day. 

Get Moving

When you’re feeling groggy, working out is probably the last thing on your mind. But, you don’t need to set a PR to receive the boost you’re looking seaking. Almost any type of movement, whether it’s a brisk stroll around the block or an intense sweat session can perk you up big time, says chiropractor and certified sports and conditioning specialist Robert Silverman, D.C., C.S.C.S. 

person running up stairs

As the saying goes, movement is medicine. You’ll get the well-known mood boost, and exercise (moreso with high-intensity exercise) causes your muscles to increase their number of mitochondria, the power plant of energy we just discussed. This supplies your body with more natural energy day in and day out. 

See Red

Simply looking at the color can make your muscles move faster and work harder, suggests research out of the University of Rochester . The study authors explain that since we subconsciously perceive danger at the sight of the ruby hue, the color automatically trips our energy-revving sympathetic nervous system.  


Crank Up Your Spotify Playlist

Fast-paced music, with a tempo between 170 and 180 beats per minute, is generally best at boosting your energy levels. Singing or tapping along can increase your energy even more, per Journal of Music Therapy research. 

woman listening to music

What might the playlist look like? Here’s the most eclectic (random) mix that will get the job done by hitting the ideal beats per minute when you need a spark.

  • Hey Ya (Outkast)
  • Free Fallin’ (Tom Petty)
  • The Pretender (Foo Fighters)
  • American Woman (Lenny Kravitz)
  • Wake Me Up (Avicii)
  • Lose Yourself (Eminem)
  • Don’t Stop Me Now (Queen)
  • Hold My Hand (Hootie and the Blowfish)

Sleep at the Same Time Every. Single. Night.

On the most fundamental level, constant bedtimes and wake times will guarantee that you get an optimal amount of sleep and stay energized throughout the day. 

Think about it: bedtimes are considered essential for children, but for some reason we don’t apply that logic to adults. Sleep routines remove error — sleeping too much or too little — and help synchronize your body’s sleep clocks.

man sleeping

There’s an entire field of study based on chrononutrition, or the way that circadian rhythms impact your metabolism and other aspects of your health. The tl/dr version: if you’re sleeping and waking at different times, it can negatively impact your metabolism, hormones, appetite, digestion, immune system, and energy.

Not to mention, if you’re looking for the best natural anti-inflammatory solution, sleep is the answer.

Get Chomping

In one Nutritional Neuroscience study, people who chewed gum for just 15 minutes felt more alert and were better able to concentrate. Researchers say chewing increases blood flow to your head. 

person putting a piece of gum in mouth

Be One With Nature

Head to the park, open a window, or just invest in some potted plants. A series of studies in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that being outside — or simply looking at nature pics — can immediately increase your feelings of energy and vitality. 

desk with plants

Cool Off

The old trick of splashing cold water on your face really does give you a jolt. By increasing your adrenaline levels, it activates your flight-or-fight response to increase energy, explains Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., an internist and fatigue expert. And, according to research from the University of Pennsylvania, sticking your foot in cold water also works.

woman splashing water on face

Drink Up

Feeling tired? You might just be thirsty. Try drinking a glass of water. “If you’re even a little bit dehydrated, you’ll likely see that your energy will dip,” Langer says. And most people don’t start to feel thirsty until they’re already dehydrated. 

drinking glass of water

The power of water impacts your energy in many ways. Research shows that it not only helps fight off lethargy, but can influence metabolism, hunger, and how well your organs function. 

Langer recommends drinking six to eight glasses of water each day, and even more if you’re sweating it out at the gym. 

Watch That Cat Video

In a classic Motivation and Emotion study, men and women who watched a funny video walked away with far more energy than those who watch documentary (yawn). And University of Oxford research shows that laughter’s ability to hike up your endorphin levels may be to thank.



How long have you been sitting at your desk? Try taking a stretch break. Just 20 seconds of stretching at the computer every 20 minutes can help get the blood flowing and energy rising. In general, exercise — even at low-intensity — influences neurotransmitters like serotonin, which can give you a temporary mood boost. 

person stretching

Plus, by helping to reset your posture and loosen any tight muscles, it can help prevent mojo-sapping headaches.

Breathe Deep

You know that when you’re stressed pausing to take a few deep breaths can help you calm down. But, it can also help to increase your energy levels.

man breathing

After all, stress is one of the biggest contributors to fatigue. When we get stressed out, our bodies go into overdrive and release cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Once your brain has decided the stress has passed, you enter the exhaustion phase where your body and mind need to rest and recover.


The Fitness Not To Do List

The Surprising Health Benefits of The 5 Minute Walk

The Best Stretch For Your Body (In Less Than 5 Minutes)

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What I Learned From Little Debbie Wed, 16 Jun 2021 23:30:38 +0000 After 20 years of helping people improve their diets, the “earned dessert” approach might be the smartest formula I’ve found. Here's why.

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Growing up, my parents didn’t have crazy food rules.  I wasn’t forced to eat any particular food, and I wasn’t glued to the table until I finished my broccoli.

But, there was one rule that stuck out: dessert was earned.

If I wanted a treat at the end of the day, I had to eat healthy stuff for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

If I checked those boxes, I earned dessert. Back in the day, those Little Debbie snacks were worth the compliance. This could happen every day without issue, if I did my job.

little debbie swiss rolls

Some people think food reward is a problem. I think food restriction is a bigger issue, as long as there are boundaries and guidelines on what you need to eat to achieve better health.

There’s no shortage of diets, meal plans, and complicated formulas designed to support your health.

Consider the 3 primary healthy eating outcomes it achieves:

  1. It’s built around eating 80-90% non-treats (ideally, healthier options)
  2. It doesn’t force foods
  3. It avoids restrictions while still creating limits.

At some point, I stopped eating dessert every night and ditched Little Debbie. But, she served me well and helped me build a great relationship with food.

This might not be your end goal, but if you’re looking for a place to start, The Little Debbie plan might be a good fit for you. If nothing else, mastering those 3 outcomes will likely do more for your long-term health than the majority of other diets you might try.


Why 99% Of Diet Plans Really Fail

Do You Really Need To Eat Chicken And Broccoli?

The Hype Machine: Do Detoxes Really Work?

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The Illusion of Commitment Tue, 01 Jun 2021 22:29:03 +0000 Commitment alone has limited value. That’s why many committed people don’t succeed. Here's what you need to do to make commitments successful.

The post The Illusion of Commitment appeared first on Born Fitness.

It’s easy to commit to anything. It’s something few people are willing to admit. Because it’s not the commitment that matters.

You can commit to a workout program or a diet, and begin with the best intentions. 

But, what do you owe those plans? Absolutely nothing. 

If you let down the plan, it’s frustrating. But, it doesn’t hurt. 

Commitment alone has limited value. 

That’s why many committed people don’t succeed.

If you want to change, you need to attach your commitment to your soul. Or, at least it should feel that way.

It has to be deeply personal. 

It needs to operate at a different level. 

Effective commitments are a paradox. They are an uncomfortable mix of fear, excitement, optimism, pessimism, and insecurity. 

That’s where you find the breakthroughs.

Self-improvement lives within everyone, but it’s usually buried under uncertainty, self-sabotage, or prior failure.

To make commitment work, you need to be willing to risk something valuable.

When you are ready to change, connect to more than what you want to change. 

Focus on who you want to become, or what you fail to lose if you don’t follow through on your commitment.

Set stakes. Create reminders. 

That is where you will find your will to succeed. 

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Speed Muscle Recovery With These Basic Foundations Tue, 25 May 2021 15:57:14 +0000 Learn what you can do to speed muscle recovery, help your body rejuvenate, and make it very unlikely that you'll get hurt. 

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The Best Recovery Exercises

You know the feeling all-too-well. The soreness, the aches, and (sometimes) pains that can result from starting a new workout routine or pushing yourself harder than before.

On one hand, it can feel like a badge of honor and “proof” that you made the most of your workout. On the other hand, it can make it harder for you to go back for your next planned session, see progress, or stay on track with your routine.

While soreness is not the only indicator of a great workout (you can have incredible results without feeling sore), it’s something that you’ll inevitably encounter if you’re active. 

And, if you want to see results, one killer workout alone won’t get the job done. That means you need a way to recover quickly so that soreness doesn’t shut you down. 

The Two Foundations of Recovery

It might be hard to completely prevent tired muscles, but there’s a lot you can do to speed recovery, help your body rejuvenate, and make it very unlikely that you’ll get hurt or be as sore. 

But, before we go into some of the best recovery routines you can do before or after your workouts — or even on your off days — it’s important to remember two of the most effective techniques: sleep and walking

Sleep is a necessity for every human being, but for someone who exercises regularly, getting a good night’s rest is non-negotiable. 

person sleeping with eye mask

And walking, despite not feeling like much, is an incredible way to add movement and increase blood flow in a way that will make your joints and muscles feel better. When in doubt, low-intensity movement is a very good way to help reduce soreness. 

man and woman on a walk

Need something a little bit stronger than rest and relaxation?

Put down the Gatorade because these recovery routines are exactly what your body really needs to bounce back faster, so you can go into your next workout feeling amazing. 

Best for Weight Lifting Recovery (The Mobility Tonic)

If you: Love to lift weights

Try: Dan John’s Tonic/Mobility Workout

woman doing kettlebell swings

There are certain muscles in your body that tend to tighten when they get tired. Physician Vladimir Janda, MD, classified these tissues—which include your upper trapezius, pectorals, biceps, psoas, piriformis, hamstrings, and calf muscles—as “tonic.” 

If that list looks a lot like the usual suspects that cause your aches and pains, you’re not alone—they’re common trouble spots for a lot of active people. 

John, a respected strength coach and author of several books, addresses these tight spots with a short workout that combines light weightlifting with static stretching. 

The general pattern is to perform the following:

  1. 25 kettlebell swings (a dumbbell will work in a pinch).
  2. A single goblet squat where you hold the weight at the bottom.
  3. 10 high-knee marches in place. 
  4. After the march, you hold a static stretch. 

Then you do the entire circuit again until you’ve finished it 10 times total. 

At the end, you’ll feel a lot more elasticity in those tight trouble spots—and you’ll have knocked out 250 reps of kettlebell swings, which is no small feat. You’ll feel stronger and more mobile as a result. 

“It’s one of the best programs I know,” John says. (Watch him demonstrate the routine in this video.) 

The Best Relaxing Recovery Workout

If you: Yearn for yoga

Try: A relaxed, restorative routine

man unrolling a yoga mat

When most people think of yoga, they picture lithe, bendy men and women contorting themselves into seemingly impossible positions. So, it may come as a surprise that in restorative yoga, you might never even get off of the floor. 

In restorative sequences, you perform gentle poses for long periods of time, often employing props to make the moves more comfortable. 

You’ll quickly find that something doesn’t need to be intense to have a serious impact—for proof, just try holding the “legs up the wall” pose for five minutes and notice how your lower limbs feel before and after. 

Sage Rountree, author of The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery, says that it’s especially important for hard-chargers who get after it during their “on” days to ramp down the intensity during these sessions of recovery exercises. 

“A few long-held, mellow, low-to-the-ground poses complement your workout with a work-in: paying attention to your body and breath, inducing the relaxation response, and jump-starting your recovery,” says Rountree. 

Try her five-move floor-based routine, which makes use of blocks and bolsters. (Household pillows can work in a pinch.) Here’s an overview of what it looks like:

  1. Squirmy Cat-Cow Pose
  2. Supported Child’s Pose
  3. Supported Fish Pose with Cobbler Legs
  4. Supported Bridge Pose
  5. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

A Better Way to Foam Roam

If you: Feel a little bound up everywhere

Try: Foam rolling like you mean it

woman foam rolling

Foam rolling has caught on with the general public in recent years—a good thing—but as with most things in fitness, the more that people do an activity, the more they do it incorrectly. 

For example, plenty of people roll back-and-forth against the roller too quickly to get any benefit, according to Dean Somerset, a certified exercise physiologist and author. 

“The key to foam rolling effectively is to go fairly slow, and when an area feels very tense it should be even slower,” explains Somerset. “I’m talking glacial migration patterns slow, like a foot-a-year kind of thing.” 

Another common mistake? Using one of the crazy-dense, crazy-intense rollers that have been growing in popularity. 

The issue with them is that, unless you’re conditioned to foam rolling, the additional pressure they inflict causes your muscles to tense up, which is pretty much the opposite of what you’re trying to do when you foam roll. 

For most beginners, Somerset says the typical low-density foam roller works just fine. Check out his lower body release routine in this two-minute video, and then try it yourself. 

Looking For Fitness and Nutrition Advice?

At Born Fitness, we know every individual is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all plan. Our team can develop a plan around your lifestyle to help you reach your goals.

If more personalization and hands-on support are what you’re looking for, our online coaching program may be right for you. Every client is assigned two coaches — one for nutrition and one for fitness. Find out more here. 


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